Wednesday, July 21, 2010

7-21-10: Wednesday -- Yet Another Double Distribution

One of the hardest daily patterns for intra-day traders to capitalize on is the double distribution. Where a large part of the morning session balances and then breaks out in a violent/high volume manner, streaking to new value. Then the rest of the day balances at the new value level. It requires a true gear-shift in thinking and the ability to identify quickly the huge volume coming into the market as value is rapidly re-priced.

Today's structure offered more than a couple clues before the 11:00 breakout (and the programs hit it exactly at 11:00). Big clues were also printed that allowed the astute trader to jump on and ride the "wave".

1) Overnight session took out the stops above yesterday's highs and closed the overnight session near the highs.
2) Perfect and high confidence open drive A period didn't look back and formed a multiple single TPO excess tail. Shorts are trapped.
3). The A period excess tail was never challanged as price could not exceed the B period highs.
4) A period printed a high negative cumulative reading of almost 40K on above 45 day average volume. Clearly, sellers were in charge right from the get go.

Heavy +50k volume in the ES printed right at 11:00. Volume figures like this during balance are unusual. And this information, coupled with the contextual negative structure listed above, said "go short".

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