Tuesday, October 1, 2013

50 Day Turn

The crew is back home after taking care of our 99 year old grandmother for a spell.  She sure has lived through one of the fastest changing century's in the history of mankind.  With things changing faster than ever, we are worried about the next 10 years. Civil war? We can definitely envision the Federal Government continuing to swell it's ranks of 130k per year workers who will stop at nothing to keep their paradigm intact.  And now that we will most likely not have a Republican President in the distant future, (Dems sure are surgical in fostering dependency among the masses) it's probably two more terms until civil unrest and/or another American Revolution of some sort.  But what the hell do we know? We just hope that we are smart enough to sell all of our assets at the right time.  In the mean time, let's just run up the debt to 100 trillion and party on before interest rates go back to 8% and wipe the country out! Who are we to question the lack of fiscal prudence? Old school dudes like us just need to be sent to pasture.

We were correct tuning into the turn at the 50 day.  And today was the sort of session where you assessed that pullbacks were high odds longs, as shorts were trapped.  Today's afternoon VWAP base pullback a classic textbook trade that we will highlight.

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